Monday, February 6, 2012

January's Comenius work from Astakos!

Let's have a look at some of the things children in Astakos have done in their classes for our project...

We grouped the vegetables by colour and created the rainbow of vegetables...

Will you try our spinach and rice dish? It's very common in Greece. It is considered to be very healthy and suitable as a main dish for the periods that people fast. It can be also eaten as a hot or cold salad...

D' class prepared a healthy traditional Greek breaksfast. This is what our grandparents used to eat a long time ago, before cakes, croissants and toasts...

B' class has started creating a vegetable alphabet book.It is called "In the world of vegetables and pulses"

This the "cucumber" entry...

How is it cooked?
Have you ever tasted /dzadziki/? It's a cold salad make with cucumber, yoghurt and garlic...

And what about cucumber and cosmetics? Did you know that some slices of cucumber can help your eyes seem less tired?

And of course... Year 6 had to learn  about "photosynthesis"!
Did you know that it is a Greek compound word made by the two smaller words /phos/= light and /synthesis/= making?

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